Friday, April 1, 2016

I really dislike your ugly fat face
I really don't like the way you say "um"
When I see you I'm filled with disgrace
You make me assume you are really dumb
When i see you walking down the hallway
I look away because you are scary
I want to throw myself in the highway
I want to feed you a poisoned berry
I think you are really really mean
I cut the break line to your crappy car
I hope you know you are mean to young teens
I want you to move away really far
You sometimes really get on my last nerve
Now please shut up because you just got served  

How about we talk about my spring break
Now my spring break was nothing but a bore
I wish on my spring break i had some cake
I was too lazy to go through the door
During spring break i wanted to swim
But of course I have no friends to swim with
Sometimes I wanted to go to the gym
But instead I sat on my big ole' cliff
Most of the time I just sat in my room
While my parents were working the whole time
On spring break I was in a mist of gloom
Even though I was board  I was still fine
My week off from school was pretty boring
But overall I just kept on snoring

Thursday, January 14, 2016

By: Reid Shawhan
Once there was a man named Flynn, Flynn didn’t live a normal life. His parents were very wealthy and when they passed away he got a lot of money Flynn was very young when his parents died. He lives in a big house with big green fields all around and it is a very beautiful vintage mansion. He had everything anyone could have, but he was alone. One day Flynn woke up, got out of bed, walked out the bedroom door and went to the kitchen, once he was at the kitchen he started to make himself breakfast. Then he sat at a big wooden table with empty seats around him. He was eating waffles, bacon, and eggs. He sat there eating his food all alone, in silence, at these times he liked to think about everything. On this day he sat and thought about being alone and how much he wanted to have someone there to love and someone there to be with him instead of being alone all the time. Flynn had never really talked to people besides his servant, after his parents died his servant left when Flynn was at a good age and Flynn has been alone since then. When he was little he was home schooled so he never really got out of the house and he never got to be with a lot of people.

He would do things at the house, he would go play pool, play golf on his golf course, and just do things to occupy the time.  Once the day ended he would go to his room lay down and either think of things like his parents, what to do the next day, or watch movies. Flynn loved movies he loved to quote them, he like all kinds of movies but they got him thinking about all these people in the movies had someone to be with. Flynn was very sad and wanted to leave but didn’t know where to go or who to see. So he just stayed in his house trying to do things but was always lonely.
One day he decided to leave his house and go find somewhere to make a new life. He packed a bag full of clothes and put enough money in his bag to live. So he walked outside his house looked at it and then hopped in his Ferrari then realized people will think he’s just a rich snob moving into their town so he took a  different regular car. He went to a town named Org, he went to the relator place and got an apartment, it wasn’t too big but it wasn’t too small. He got the keys to the house he went to see and moved in. Then he went shopping to get all the things he needed, food furniture, and other necessities. He was totally moved in, so he decided to start looking for a job. The next morning he sat at the table in the dining room and started looking for a job, he had no idea what to do because he had always had everything done for himself so he didn’t know what he was good at. Then he saw it, the perfect job for him a movie critic. Flynn loved movies this was the perfect job and it paid well, Flynn called in and he got the job. He was so excited to meet new people, make friends, and do what he loves.
Flynn woke up and it was the day, it was his first day at his new job. He got there and the secretary showed him around and told him where he would be working. He sat down at his desk and introduced himself to the two guys near him, their names were John and Peter. Those three talked at their job but they never talked outside of their job. He had met some people but he was not close with them he would see them around the town but never had really hung out with them during the week. He still felt alone, no one was there to talk to him during the day. He was still upset and alone, he began to think that he was the problem. He wanted to leave again, he did not know what to do, he felt so alone again but it was a little better because there were people he could go out and see but no one to talk to through the day. Whenever he felt like this he would go out and walk around the town and see the people with friends and family and it made him upset, everyone was so happy and he didn’t know what to do.
One day he went out shopping, he went to one of his favorite movie stores and he met a girl named Ashley. She was new to the town and Flynn had been there before just like her. Flynn decided to introduce himself to her and he offered to show her around the town and that he would like to take her to his favorite place to eat dinner. She told him that she the next day so they decided to meet back at the movie store at 4:00. They gave each other their numbers and said their goodbyes, Flynn walked home all happy and excited for tomorrow. The next day Flynn went to the movie store and there was Ashley, he thought she was so pretty. He showed her around the town and they went to dinner, at dinner Flynn asked Ashley where she used to live and she told him that she always felt alone so she ran away. Flynn realized that she was in the same spot he was and that other people have felt that way too. Flynn walked her home and they said goodbye, he went home with a huge smile on his face. Once he got home it was late so he got ready for bed, he laid in his bed smiling like crazy. The two got very close and started dating. They were dating for 5 years and then Flynn proposed to her, they got married and were together for the rest of their lives.